How to Replace Your Garage Door Seal

Modern house with a glass garage door that has both a side and bottom garage door seal.

If leaves, rain, and dirt are seeping into your garage, it’s time to replace your garage door seal, and this is the perfect place to start. This handy guide will cover everything you need to know about the different types of garage door seals available. For the more hands-on reader, we’ll even walk you through how to install a new garage door seal step-by-step.

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What is the Difference between a Partition and Operable Wall?

Glass operable wall being used in an office environment. It looks like a regular glass wall with no tracks or wheels.

Both partitions and operable walls are great for creating unique spaces within your office, at a conference, or exhibition. While both choices serve a similar purpose, an operable wall and a partition each have unique differences that are better suited for different environments. Depending on your needs, one may be better or more cost-effective than the other. While both options have been designed to offer a premium finish that defines a space while adding privacy for meetings, interviews, or events, let’s explore the differences between a partition and an operable wall so you can make the best choice when preparing your event, office, or meeting room.  

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