Garage Door Color- It’s More Important Than You Think

Garage Door Color- It’s More Important Than You Think

business units for small companies with colorful roller doors

When thinking about your home’s curb appeal, the mind typically goes to roofing, landscaping or the overall design of the house. While these are all vital to presenting a beautiful house, the color and design of your garage door can really stand out — for better or worse.

The appearance of your home can affect the perceived value and the garage door is important to that. So, in short, the color of your garage door is far more important than you may think.

What Is The Most Popular Color?

The color white is the blending of all colors of the visible spectrum into one, thus creating a balance regardless of your home’s color scheme. If you are at a standstill with your color choice, white is a great default. It is crisp, clean and generally pleases the eye.

Some other colors that are fairly common include:

  • Soft Gray
  • Walnut brown
  • Beige
  • Dark Gray
  • Black

All these neutral shades will effectively blend with your home’s exterior. These are safe choices, but maybe you aren’t safe. Maybe you like to be bold and choose a color or design that will truly stand out in your neighborhood. If you want to choose orange, hot pink or a plaid design, then more power to you. But it may be a smart move to have a bucket of paint with one of the neutral colors above pushed off to the side just in case.

Don’t Match, Coordinate

When designing color schemes, you want your front door to be the focal point, not the garage door. Color matching those two can be a bit confusing and the overall aesthetic of the house could suffer.

Instead, you want to choose a color that coordinates with your home’s color scheme. For instance, if you have a brick house, you may want a beige garage door. Brown and red are close in the color spectrum and, therefore complement each other nicely. Choose a color that is in the same color family as the rest of your home or, at least one that complements it very well.

Don’t Be a Hero

Houses are typically a person’s largest asset and sometimes safe is better than sorry, particularly when selling your home. However, your home is YOUR asset. You can choose the color that you desire regardless of how it works with your other color schemes.

At The Door Company, we provide a palate of color and material options for you and will build a garage door to your specifications. If you don’t want the burden of choosing a color, let our experts and technicians guide you to the best scheme for your home décor.

Contact The Door Company

Trusted by contractors and homeowners alike, The Door Company (TDC) has been serving the state of California for over 30 years. Our IDEA-certified technicians can install and maintain every type of garage door and driveway gate in the market. TDC now has four offices located in Redding, Chico, Yuba City, and Stockton. We are considered one of the leading companies in our industry and strive to maintain our leadership.